Chatty woman

{abril 6, 2008}   Dublin… a dream!

On february i went in Dublin in Ireland. My trip was a dream!

Impossible talk about everything i saw and a felt there. This is my first trip went abroad. Is very interesting meet other culture, other people… Is very nice also realize how many people are, the behavior on the streets (or ond the parties), “the say hello”… In Dublin there are people all the world. People of many countries that came to Dublin to work. In Dublin have many opportunities of job. Of course that people not have work in your area. Maybe sometimes yes, but normally not. The jobs are more “simple”, but are profitable. Really, i think not exist “simple” or “very good” jobs, there are opportunities and who want work will have a job.

I am talking about cultural differences… In Brazil people are infomal and in europa people are more formal. I will explain… When i arrived there i mean stranger “just” “put is there”… i dont knew, but i thought : “This is cold”. But, not is cold is just different!

The boys are very atencious, polite… but the girls drink a lot, get drank…

Parties: all about night in Dublin is nice! The pubs are perfect! Good places, good beer, good people, good boys, good music…

But the night clubs are very very nice! There is one that go people that all the world is big and perfect! But the couples there “enjoy a lot” is embarassing! “Baile funk do Rio?”, here is more hot. Yes, is possible!

I will put here any pictures and after i will talk more.

*** I went to Amsterdam and Lodon too. In other post i will talk more about these places.

{abril 5, 2008}   Chatty girl???

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